Aguila Consulting
Soar to where only eagles dare
Key Skills:
Java, Kotlin, Json, Rx, Kotlin coroutines, jetpack compose
Testing: Mockito mockK, expresso, Junit, and facebook screenshot tests, spluck, cucumber
test, unit test. Database: MySQL, SQLite, GreenDAO,DBFlow,Room and Android DataStore
3rd Dependency:, Glide,Retrofit Design Pattern :MVP ,MVVM
VCS: GitHub, Bitbucket
Others: Appdynamic, jenkins, git flow, aws, amplify, appcenter, firebase, crashlyticsnetwork
security and build encryption
Agile Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Jenkins , Gradle ,unit testing, ui
testing,Nexus,Android JetPack, Amplify, google play console, google cloud console, Android