Aguila Consulting
Soar to where only eagles dare
Posted 4 weeks ago
- Minimum 15 Years of Experience in BFS Data Modeling Taxonomy
- Define and Create Enterprise Information Reference Architecture and Enterprise Controlled Vocabulary
- Common language to describe data and metadata landscape in business line region and system agnostic language
- Enterprise Data Concepts Controlled Vocabulary EDC CV Qualifiers CV
- Enterprise Business OntologyEBO and Enterprise Business Glossary EBG
- MagicDraw and Cameo Conceptual Modeler CCM Experience for Information Modeling
- Protg Experience for owlrdf view
- Define EDC Governance
- The common language should enable for its data architecture to enable Business Data Technology and Risk Transformations
- Common Language Act as foundation capabilities enabling sustainable and scalable cross organizational reporting and analytics as well as ensure seamless system integration and interoperability
- Expected Deliverables are Controlled Vocabulary Taxonomy Term Data Elements
- Experience in Data Analytics Platform Governance for BFS Includes Regulatory Risk Management Compliance Data Controls